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How Tribalism is affecting Nigerian Real Estate

Tribalism is a major issue that affects many aspects of life in Nigeria, including the real estate industry.

Tribalism is a major issue that affects many aspects of life in Nigeria, including the real estate industry. Tribalism refers to the strong loyalty or support for one’s own ethnic group or tribe over others, and it can result in discrimination, bias, and exclusion in various areas, including real estate.

One way tribalism affects Nigerian real estate is through the allocation of land and properties. In many parts of Nigeria, the land belongs to specific ethnic groups, and members of other groups may face challenges in acquiring or developing properties in those areas. This can lead to a lack of diversity in real estate development and may limit economic growth and progress.

Another way tribalism affects Nigerian real estate is through pricing. In some cases, prices for real estate may be inflated or deflated based on the ethnic group of the buyer or seller. This can result in unfair pricing and discrimination against certain groups.

Tribalism also affects the attitudes and behaviors of real estate professionals, including agents, brokers, and developers. Some may have biases or preferences based on ethnicity, which can impact the services they provide and the opportunities available to different groups.

Overall, tribalism remains a significant challenge for Nigerian real estate, as it can limit access, diversity, and fairness in the industry. Addressing these issues will require a concerted effort by stakeholders across the industry and society as a whole to promote fairness, equity, and diversity.

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Written by Micheal

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